Log 2:15 supplemental: Party of Two

Pairing: Young/Rostov
Archive: Contact the author for permission.
Rating: NC-17 for swearing and sexual situations.
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Ari is mine, Ian is DNash's, Michael belongs to Paramount. Minor characters rule!
Feedback: Gets me to the church on time. Email Squeaky Lightfoot

With thanks to my Betas: Maching_Monkey and D’Nash who both are really, really good at it.

Author’s notes: This story is not in canon with my stuff, but belongs to the canon of DNash's "Log Rhythms" series, available at www.dnashionalarchive.com. I highly recommend this series of the continuing adventures of the Enterprise crew.

The character of Ensign "Ian Young" belongs to DNash and is used with permission.

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